A PRAYER OF P’S (PEACE), By Vincent R. Pool
“Father, I pray, for every person reading this prayer that he or she would become a person of purity, passionately pursuing your person, which in turn brings about your peace and your protection. I pray that each of us would realize the privilege of having Jesus as the propitiation for our sins, that allows us access to participation in his divine nature and brings us through the process of perfection (maturity) that allows us to participate in the ministry of sonship. I pray that every son would be provoked to live to the fullness of his potential and preserve the posterity of holiness, righteousness, and faith as we follow the pattern of our Lord. Help us to understand, Father, that our purpose and our position is to progress and to promote Godly perspective in every dimension of life. In order to possess the power and position of Kingdom living, we must also embrace and believe the prophetic promises of Kingdom principles. The Kingdom of God must have preeminence and priority, if we are to walk in the position of authority that God has predestined us to live in. Teach us, Father, how to personally persevere through persecutions, through trials and through tribulations, that we see all things from your perspective and to become a total portrait of your person. Show us how to truly become instruments of divine life, divine love and divine prosperity, that again we might become a total demonstration of your divine person. We realize, Father, that our promotion comes only in bringing pleasure to your person, so I pray that none of these would perish while going through the process of purification. Though the world would try to ridicule and persecute us, we rest comfortably in your promise of protection. We thank-you, Father, that without prejudice, you count each one of us precious and profitable in the process of building your Kingdom. I pray, Father, that we would become a people of precise praise as we walk into the position of the priesthood (Melchisedec, Christ, Sonship). As we are pioneering a new paradigm, we must pull together as one person (son of man, man child, Christ) preferring our brother above ourselves, becoming a people of penitent hearts (repentance) that produces the power and person of the Kingdom. We are divinely predestinated to become that piercing, penetrating, powerful instrument (force) that would take the world prisoner (captive) and present the Kingdom to our God. From this place, perception, and perspective, we take our position of rest in you.”